Empowering Couples. Enriching Relationships.
Adai Ad means ‘successfully lasting’ in Hebrew; thus, an Adai Ad relationship is one that is successfully lasting, where all in the family thrive.
Adai Ad’s mission is to provide awareness, education and guidance for all aspects related to enriching and empowering the couple relationship.
Adai Ad offers the tools and mindsets to make your marriage the most enriching and empowering force of your life.

Shiduchim. Every person’s experience is unique. There are no rules. People have lots of questions and concerns.
Adai Ad aims to provide guidance and support through the journey. We have instituted the Shiduch University to support daters through the various stages of relationships. We also have several resources covering a range of topics related to dating and relationships.
Adai Ad also provides dating coaching for those who want a more personalized support before and during dating.
Just One Thing.
Relationship Tips
Through the years, many clients and students have reached out for guidance and support. They came seeking encouragement and assistance with relationship challenges. They asked tough questions. They explored their role in the relationship. They enhanced their communication and conflict resolution skills. They adopted productive mindsets that helped them enrich their marriage, family life and so many other aspects of their lives.
Adai Ad’s (JOT) Just One Thing series was developed to share short and practical relationship insights, tools and mindsets every morning (via whatsapp and social media). These are widely received all over the world.
Podcast & Recordings
Through the years, we have addressed several important topics related to all aspects of relationship – dating, marriage, Shalom Bayis (and when things don’t go well in the relationship). These have since been uploaded to Adai Ad’s Youtube channel and to Adai Ad’s “Your Strong Relationship” podcast.
We also started a podcast series called Shidduch-U which directly addresses Shidduch dating.
A card deck of 200 questions to jumpstart meaningful and interesting conversations – to laugh, to share, to get to know each other, and to build your potential relationship.

Your Successful Marriage
Adai Ad means ‘successfully lasting’ in Hebrew; thus, an Adai Ad relationship is one that is successfully lasting, where all in the family thrive.
Shalom Bayis is all about harmony, mutual reverance and devotion between a husband and wife. It is not simply the absence of discord, unity and respect. It is in the nuances of everyday living: how each thinks of the other, the words and tone they use, the little acts.

Even one situation of abuse in a marriage is too much. Unfortunately, this is a reality for some families. Adai Ad aims to provide support for those in the situation and education and awareness to prevent such pain from happening.
This series is funded by a grant from the New York City DOVE initiative recommended by Council Member Rita Joseph.
About Adai Ad
From the Founder,
Devora Krasnianski

I love people and I love to help them live their best lives For so long, I had been hearing “Relationships are so hard.” “If only I had known how to set up this marriage so that we’d both be happy.” “Dating is exhausting.”
It’s true, Relationships do take work, anything worthwhile does. At the same time, having the necessary tools and mindsets about relationships makes that relationship work so much easier and have stronger results.
That’s why I founded Adai Ad. So that people can access the guidance and support they need to develop their relationship into one where everyone thrives and is happy.
Adai Ad provides workshops, courses, online resources, daily relationship tips, coaching, ebooks to bring the information to you, in a way that best suits your style.
Being part of a couple or family’s transformation is magical as smiles replace grimaces, peace reigns instead of chaos, and the love and happiness radiate.
I am truly blessed to play a part in other people’s happiness.
Check out the resources, join a course, reach out. The aim is for every person in our community to smile in their relationships.