A card deck of 200 questions to jumpstart meaningful and interesting conversations – to laugh, to share, to get to know each other, and to build your potential relationship.
These can help you uncover deeper and richer insights about yourself and your date and your potential relationship.$25 + shipping (ships only in US)

What People Are

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Convos Cards
About The Cards
The questions get progressively deeper and more personal and are designed to be used at different stages of the dating process. Don’t bring the whole deck with you; bring jsut the ones applicable to the stage you are in currently.
YELLOW. Getting to know each other. Convos to have after you’ve ‘broken the ice’ (after the ‘first dates’ stage).
BLUE. Building the potential relationship. Convos to have to deepen your connection (sprinkled throughout the dating).
BURGUNDY. Talking about your potential marriage. Convos to help you solidify your visions as a couple (right before an official commitment to marriage AKA ‘the proposal’).

YELLOW. Getting to know each other. Convos to have after you’ve ‘broken the ice’ (after the ‘first dates’ stage).

BLUE. Building the potential relationship. Convos to have to deepen your connection (sprinkled throughout the dating).

BURGUNDY. Talking about your potential marriage. Convos to help you solidify your visions as a couple (right before an official commitment to marriage AKA ‘the proposal’).
These convo starters cover a range of topics and avenues to get to learn about each other. It is not important that you cover all the questions. Rather, see these cards as a tool to jumpstart convos about important topics. The cards are not a complete list of topics to be discussed; there will be things that are particular to each of you that should be brought up.
- What do you think of when you hear the words [words]
- What would you rather
- Permission to brag
- Our similarities
- Between the two of us, who is more likely to [do whatever]
- What do you know about me?
- If we were a couple, how would we [do whatever]
- Values, dreams, goals
- Religiosity
- Family, upbringing
- Money
- Married life
- Personality
- Life style
- Health
How To Use On A Date
Place one card face up. Place the rest of the deck in a pile facedown.
Decide together who is first. Alternate between the two of you in choosing a question. Choose either the one that is faceup or a new one from the pile. Start your convo.
‘BOTH’ CARDS. Both of you will answer this question. Start your convos.
The goal is to start conversations, not to just answer the questions. These are no intended to be used as an interview or interrogation. You might find that these questions jumpstart some great convos and you cover only a few of these questions during a date.
Throughout your conversations, it is not only the answers to he specific questions that are important. Also pay attention to what is not shared, what is said between the words. The non-verbals (such as body language and how the voice is used) also can tell you a lot.