Can It Be Me who is ruining our marriage?
with: David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC
Sometimes, without realizing, one or both of a couple is harming the marriage relationship. Often, they think that "If just my spouse would change." And then with a bit more introspection, they think, "Can it be me who is ruining our marriage?"
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC about this topic: Can it be me who is ruining our marriage? A frank and honest discussion about what people may be doing that harms their marriage. And what first steps they can do to improve the situation.
Show Notes
0:00 Introduction
5:40 What are healthy mindsets in a marriage relationship?
7:47 Being open to influence
15:45 Defensiveness & offensiveness
16:51 Facial expressions
23:00 Can one spouse make significant changes on their side?
43:09 What holds people back from seeking help?
5:40 What are healthy mindsets in a marriage relationship?
7:47 Being open to influence
15:45 Defensiveness & offensiveness
16:51 Facial expressions
23:00 Can one spouse make significant changes on their side?
43:09 What holds people back from seeking help?