Asking your Spouse for Change
with: Yeshaya Kraus, LCSW
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Yeshaya Kraus of Shalom Taskforce about how to ask effectively for what you want and need.
Show Notes
Key Takeaways
Email Yeshaya: YKraus@shalomtaskforce.org
Call Shalom Taskforce: 718.337.3700
Shalom Taskforce website: www.shalomtaskforce.org
Shalom Taskforce Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShalomTaskForceSTF/
- Before a conversation, make clear what your goals are: is it to share how you feel or to find a solution.
- Use “I” statements.
- Set a time to talk, don’t put them on the spot which can make them defensive.
- Spouse is not a mind reader. Best to ask for things directly.
- Asking for something you need doesn’t make you selfish.
- Asking “why did you do that” comes across antagonistic. A better way is “what made you do that?
- Acknowledge and show appreciation when they are making progress or even working on something that is important to you.
- Best way to express your thanks or gratitude is saying it directly. If you are spouse is uncomfortable, you can put it in writing [sticky note].
- Think of a way to address their needs that you know about but maybe neglecting. If you don’t know- ask. “I want to do something for you, what can I do?” Be direct and say it verbally.
- Turn emotional need into an action. “I’m feeling disconnected, can we go out on a date, cup of tea, watch something together.”
Email Yeshaya: YKraus@shalomtaskforce.org
Call Shalom Taskforce: 718.337.3700
Shalom Taskforce website: www.shalomtaskforce.org
Shalom Taskforce Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShalomTaskForceSTF/