Getting mature singles to the Chuppah
with: Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW
Devora Krasnianski speaks with Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW who has helped many older singles through the shidduch journey to successful marriage. Frannie identified some challenges that the singles are having and some better ways to approach dating for marriage. We also spoke about how there isn’t anything wrong with someone who is older and not yet married, and how to support them in their shidduch journey with respect and concern.

Getting mature singles to the Chuppah
with: Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW
Devora Krasnianski speaks with Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW who has helped many older singles through the shidduch journey to successful marriage. Frannie identified some challenges that the singles are having and some better ways to approach dating for marriage. We also spoke about how there isn’t anything wrong with someone who is older and not yet married, and how to support them in their shidduch journey with respect and concern.
Show Notes
Devora Krasnianski speaks with Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW who has helped many older singles through the shidduch journey to successful marriage. Frannie identified some challenges that the singles are having and some better ways to approach dating for marriage. We also spoke about how there isn’t anything wrong with someone who is older and not yet married, and how to support them in their shidduch journey with respect and concern.
(This series is funded by a grant from the New York City DOVE initiative recommended by Council Member Rita Joseph)
To reach Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW
Call: 917-494-4993
06:25 Why are there so many people who are not yet married
10:17 The shidduch system is broken
15:15 The expectations that people have make dating more difficult
17:57 If you want to get married, you’ll get married
18:13 Separate wants and needs
19:27 Get to know yourself
21:01 Some good things about getting married when older
27:37 Marrying someone who is not as emotionally evolved as you
34:17 What are wants and what are needs
38:20 Putting ‘externals’ on the list of wants or needs
42:52 How to support an older single
45:20 What the community can do
47:23 How money/income is impacting shidduchim
51:44 Q: Should woman be advised to downplay her intelligence or financial success
57:07 Don’t hide aspects of yourself when dating
59:25 The daters set the tone of what kind of person they’ll attract
1:00:42 Character is the most important thing to look for
1:01:22 Wrap up
(This series is funded by a grant from the New York City DOVE initiative recommended by Council Member Rita Joseph)
To reach Frannie Teitelbaum, LCSW
Call: 917-494-4993
06:25 Why are there so many people who are not yet married
10:17 The shidduch system is broken
15:15 The expectations that people have make dating more difficult
17:57 If you want to get married, you’ll get married
18:13 Separate wants and needs
19:27 Get to know yourself
21:01 Some good things about getting married when older
27:37 Marrying someone who is not as emotionally evolved as you
34:17 What are wants and what are needs
38:20 Putting ‘externals’ on the list of wants or needs
42:52 How to support an older single
45:20 What the community can do
47:23 How money/income is impacting shidduchim
51:44 Q: Should woman be advised to downplay her intelligence or financial success
57:07 Don’t hide aspects of yourself when dating
59:25 The daters set the tone of what kind of person they’ll attract
1:00:42 Character is the most important thing to look for
1:01:22 Wrap up