Setting up your marriage for success

Setting up your marriage for success
Show Notes
Episodes mentioned in the talk:Marriage Readiness series: https://adaiad.org/shidduch-u/marriage-ready-episodes/
3:57 The power of pre-marital education
5:04 What should be the focus in the dating process
7:04 The importance of having support and guidance through dating
10:27 What’s a healthy relationship? ABCs? Acceptance, belonging, comfort and safety
13:17 What to do when there are concerns or doubts about the shidduch
15:28 Take care of issues before starting shidduchim
16:19 Anxiety during engagement
19:02 Talk about marriage when dating
20:41 Spending time with each other’s families when dating
22:05 Sharing difficult topics on a date
24:00 Things we wish people knew before they got married
29:13 Have some disagreements when dating (emotional safety)
30:59 Talk about premarital education and getting support
32:19 Should someone discuss concerns with their parents
35:09 Premarital education should be standard
37:49 Topics that some daters don’t talk about
42:04 Working with a dating coach
46:58 Final thoughts
48:29 Q: Should I share about previous relationships while dating?
51:13 Wrap Up