What is Couples Counseling really like?
with: Rivkah Krumholz, LMFT and Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R DHL
What to expect in couples therapy and how it actually works. Too often, couples don't get the support that could help their relationship because they don't know enough about couples counseling. Rivkah Krumholz, LMFT and Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R DHL address questions people have about couples counseling.
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What to expect in couples therapy and how it actually works. Too often, couples don’t get the support that could help their relationship because they don’t know enough about couples counseling. Rivkah Krumholz, LMFT and Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R DHL address questions people have about couples counseling.
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Rivka Krumholz, LMFT Private practice in Marriage and Family Therapy. Many decades of serving the Jewish community to improve mental health and family relationships. Individual and couples psychotherapy.
Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R DHL Director of Operations and Strategic Development for Ohel Bais Ezra / Lifetime Care Foundation. Clinician in private practice, specializing in high-conflict couples and families and male sexual health.
More about couples counseling