Adai Ad’s Weekly 3-2-1 [12/06/2020]

3 Conversations you might have this week

  1. What are potential stressors this Chanukh (ex: kids’ vacation, gift giving, parties) and what can we do to mitigate the stress?
  2. What might it had been like to live through the years of the Macabees?
  3. Who is someone who shone the light for you and helped you see a better way to do things?

2 Quotes to inspire you

  1. “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”
  2. “The flame of family can warm us and at the same time be a perpetual pilot light to rekindle us.” Neal Maxwell

1 Point to Ponder

  • Chanukah is about rededication. What is something you ought to be rededicate your energies to?
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