Be interested in and willing to try your spouse’s interests

Showing genuine interest in your spouse’s passions, hobbies, or new pursuits does more than just show you care—it helps you understand them on a deeper level. Ask questions about what excites them and what they’re passionate about, even if it’s something you don’t completely relate to. When you take the time to listen and learn, it not only strengthens your emotional connection but also builds a sense of support and shared enjoyment.

But it doesn’t stop at just showing interest—be open to actively participating in their world. Even if their hobbies or activities aren’t something you’d normally choose, stepping outside your comfort zone can bring you closer. Be willing to learn and try new things together, even if they’re not your first choice. Whether it’s going on a hike or trying a new pottery class, make an effort to enjoy the experience. Just make sure not to kvetch along the way! When you can laugh together at your attempts on the pottery wheel, you create memories that bring you closer.

A little enthusiasm goes a long way! It’s about being willing to try, but not begrudgingly—keep the vibe light and fun.


-If after trying, you find that a particular activity really doesn’t resonate with you, don’t begrudge it or ruin the mood for them. It’s okay to step back and let your spouse enjoy it on their own or with friends. Or do it together on occasion. Figure out a system that works for both of you.  

-It’s important to gauge whether your spouse truly wants you to join in that particular interest. If they’re excited for you to be there, great! If not, give them space to enjoy it solo or with friends.

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