Don’t avoid difficult convos, plan them for real effectiveness.

Is there a conversation you know you need to have, but you just don’t know what to say so you push it off?

For starters, you are just dragging out your discomfort. You still have the issue AND the big thought that “I need to say something about this'” weighs very heavily on your mind. So just have the difficult convo already.

That difficult conversation will go much better if you prepare and plan it.

1. Be very clear what the issue is. Why does it matter? How do you feel about it? How is impacting the relationship/ work/ bottom line?
2. Separate the issue from the person. And address only the issue. Even more, frame the situation as you and the other person working together against the issue. This will calm you, and your words and tone will be calmer.

3. Plan your words – your opening statement and how you see the situation. And practice saying it aloud before the actual conversation.

The point is to plan for successful collaboration around the issue, not confrontation with the other person.

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