Don’t only do life, live life.

Live life. Experience the joy that life is.

Celebrate the small moments in life. Celebrate achievements.
Join in the celebration of others.
Get involved in the community.
Or a hobby.
Or a great conversation over coffee.
Go on a date with your spouse.
Try new things.
Do things that are interesting and important to you. Often.

Pull yourself out of the daily grind. You don’t have to be productive every minute.
Stop looking for what is next and enjoy the now.
And get off your phone.

Experience joy.
This is not about ‘living life to the fullest’. ‘Life to the fullest’ often connotes trying to make every moment a memorable or interesting moment. That’s too much to expect and not realistic.

And worse, if you strive to live life to the max, all those real-life responsibilities and relationships become very unwelcome interruptions and stressful.

Joy doesn’t simply happen to us.
We have to choose joy.
And keep choosing it every day.

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