When you try to prove yourself, you are basically trying to show that you are right. Even at the expense at being at odds with others. Even at the expense of actually taking in the insights and bettering yourself. When you try to prove yourself, you might take offense from and challenge genuine feedback, question the validity and truth of that feedback, and/or resist making the change.
The ‘proving yourself’ mindset comes from the ego and a ‘fixed’ mindset.
Rather, work from an ‘improving yourself’ mindset. Listen openly and accept feedback, and see if/how you can incorporate the insights into your life.
The ‘improving yourself’ mindset comes from humility and a ‘growth’ mindset.
When we work from ‘improve yourself’ mindset, rather than a ‘proving yourself’ mindset, we are committing to being the best possible person we can be.
(based on Carol Dweck’s Growth/Fixed mindset model)