First times can be overwhelming. You can do it!

First time doing anything can be hard. After all, it is an experience we’ve never had before. We might feel embarrassed, anxious, frustrated, or scared during these moments.

But, you can do it!

Firstly, admit to yourself that this is a ‘first time’ moment. “This is my first [time taking care of a sick parent, getting a loan]. I have never done something like this. I expect that it may be hard at first and things won’t be perfect. But I will get past the firstness.”

Recognize that the firstness of this experience will pass, just like the discomfort of other first times passed. You will get better at it, or at least it will not be as overwhelming as the first time.
And remember this experience and how you pulled through it for the next time you have to start something for the first time.

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