How to handle your spouse’s requests for change (1/4)

❗When your spouse brings up concerns or requests for change, how you respond can impact the issue at hand. And even more so, your whole relationship.

While it might be difficult to hear their message or wish it was communicated differently, it’s the substance of what they’re saying that matters – more than how it’s delivered. While you may not agree with what they are saying, or you really don’t think the change is needed, they are expressing a need or want, and it is important to listen. To really listen.

➡️ Approach the conversation with deep curiosity, seeking to really understand their perspective and perception. That is listen, listen, listen. The only talking you do at this point is to ask questions so you can better understand their point.

➡️ Take what they are expressing seriously. And be prepared to work on the issue they are expressing.

A constructive response might involve acknowledging their viewpoint with phrases like,💬 “Hmm, I didn’t realize. I didn’t think of it from that angle. Thanks for bringing it up. I will [commit to the change you are willing to work on].”

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