If you need help, just ask.

You don’t have to do it all to have it all. Get the support and help you need. Even if it means you have to ask for it directly.

It may feel like strength to be able to do everything ourselves. We may even get a momentary high feeling like we’ve proven something or shown someone what we’re made of. But, it really isn’t in our best interest.

Doing it all on our own can be overwhelming and lonely. And we are missing out on opportunities of interconnection and gratitude.

Too often, we don’t ask for help because we assume or fear that the person might say ‘no’ and we will be rejected, and we want to avoid that feeling. The truth is most people do like to see themselves as useful and will be willing to help.

Welcome and appreciate the experience of support and connectedness. Ask for help.

We all need help sometimes, but asking for it can feel uncomfortable. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

How to ask for help:

  1. Don’t wait until you are overwhelmed or frantic (and possibly cranky). Ask early; this makes it easier for you to ask kindly and it is easier for the other person to be able to help you.
  2. Be clear about what help you need.
  3. Once you know what kind of help you need, consider whom to ask. Keep in mind you may need to speak to a few different people before you get the help you need.
  4. Be thoughtful in how you ask. Avoid making your request sound like a demand. Be considerate. Make it easy for them to be honest about their availability.
  5. Your ask should be clear and direct and include the words “Can you help me?”. Don’t expect others to take your hints or notice your needs.
  6. Show your gratitude and appreciation.
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