In a conflict? It’s not about winning, it’s about understanding.

When there is a conflict or difference of opinion, the goal shouldn’t be to prove the other person wrong. If the focus is on winning the argument, all that happens is that the other person gets defeated. And when someone feels defeated, they’re less likely to engage openly or do their best thinking about the topic – and the negative energy is likely to spill over into other aspects of their day too. The moment we try to “win” in an argument, we close the door to productive dialogue or meaningful resolution.

Instead of focusing on being right, the aim should be to keep the conversation productive. It’s about listening and understanding, not about coming out on top. People do their best when they feel respected, not when they feel like they’ve lost. In any conflict, when we prioritize understanding over winning, we create space for connection, growth, and a more constructive outcome.

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