Judging others may be your way of protecting yourself from pain.

So often we use judgment as a way of avoiding feeling some pain. We project outward what we don’t want to feel within. When we are feeling those feelings of shame and inadequacy, we project out that shame and inadequacy onto somebody else so that we don’t have to feel them. For many of us, that judgment is some sort of protection that protects us from pain.

One way to stop being judgmental is through self-reflection, by recognizing that everyone has faults. The more we self-reflect and realize our own shortcomings, the easier it is to love and accept other people as they are.

Another way to stop being judgmental is to forgive the person who wronged us. Forgiveness doesn’t change what the person has done, but it will set us free inside, so we can let go of being hurt, angry, and offended.

A third way to stop being judgmental is to open our eyes and see the whole person. A judgmental person will often hyper-focus on someone’s negative traits, making them blind to their positive qualities. If we can see the whole person, it is much easier to love them.

It is important that you don’t judge yourself for being judgmental. Rather, look at what past wound is triggering your judging. And then honor and work through that particular wound or trigger. You might need support to do that.

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