It is so important to laugh. Often. Life gives us lots to laugh about. If we choose to see the humor in the chaos.
Humor is the capacity to perceive, appreciate, or express what is funny, amusing, ludicrous, etc. in any situation. If you look closely enough, there is a certain amount of humor in everything. Small incidents that happen each day — cereal spilled on the floor, a silly photo or meme, something ridiculous your kid said, an unexpected result — are all great excuses to have a good laugh.
It’s even better to laugh with someone. Studies show that couples that laugh together, stay together.
It starts with not taking yourself too seriously. Let loose together. Be playful. Notice the absurd. Laugh at your inside jokes. Prioritize the things in your life that might make you and your spouse laugh. Yeah, schedule time to laugh. (If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.)