Multitasking is not a skill to be cultivated, but a liability to be avoided.

The thing about multitasking is not only is not productive, but it is also stress-inducing.

Productivity and multitasking are at odds with each other. Multitasking really means switching between tasks and giving less than 100% of your attention to each. Productivity is all about that combination of time, energy and attention.

Multitasking does not expand your capacity. It just overloads your mind as you bounce between each of the tasks. And it unleashes stress hormones. This stress doesn’t only make you feel worried and uncomfortable at the moment, it also affects your short-term memory. At that point, your speedy pace loses its value because your results are underwhelming.

It is important to figure out the one task that is the most deserving of your time and energy at the moment and work diligently on that. If others ask for you to do something else, you might ask them to choose which thing they would like for you to work on. “These both seem important. I can only give one of them my full focus. Which do you think I should work on now?”

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