Respect your differences.

We are all individual people with our own perspectives and view of our world. There will be differences. It is important to understand your spouse’s viewpoint. Be respectful of their opinion, even if it differs from your own.

📌 Try to put yourself in their shoes, and recognize that everyone has different experiences and beliefs that shape their perspective.

📌 Be open to changing your perspective. Come into the conversation open to learning, not to prove your perspective is the best one.

1️⃣ Listen carefully to their perspective. Give them time to finish their thoughts without interruption.

2️⃣ Ask open-ended questions that invite the other person to explain their viewpoint so you can get a better understanding. “I am really interested to hear your perspective on this.” “What do you think about this?” or “What’s your opinion on this?”

3️⃣ Consider their perspective objectively. Try to understand their point of view without judging or dismissing it.

4️⃣ Show them that you are trying to understand their perspective. Show compassion for their experiences and feelings. “That’s interesting. I never thought of it that way.” “It makes sense that you would see it that way.”

5️⃣ After you’ve listened to the other person, take some time to reflect on what they have said. Think about how their experiences and feelings might be different from your own.

6️⃣ Respectfully discuss your differences. Once you have a better understanding of their perspective, you can discuss your differences in a respectful manner.

📌 Throughout the whole conversation, be mindful of your body language and tone.

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