Respond to requests for change (4/4)

When your spouse brings up concerns or requests for change, how you respond can impact the issue at hand. And even more so, your whole relationship. These are ways that some people respond that is not helpful to the issue and definitely to the relationship. Don’t respond in these ways.

➡️ Don’t Invalidate: Don’t belittle or dismiss their emotions or their perception of the situation. It can lead to feelings of resentment, insecurity, and a breakdown in communication. ❌ Don’t say: “Stop being so sensitive; it’s not that big of a deal.”

➡️ Don’t be Passive-aggressive: Don’t give silent treatment or make sarcastic remarks, instead of addressing concerns directly. This can exacerbate tension and hinder effective communication. ❌ Don’t say: “Oh, I guess I’ll just have to remember to do everything perfectly since you’re so perfect.”

➡️ Don’t escalate: Don’t resort to yelling, insults, or other aggressive behaviors. This not only fails to address the underlying issues but can also cause emotional harm to both parties. ❌ Don’t say: “You always do this! You never listen to me, and I’m tired of it!”

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