Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution. In many cases, if you do not face your problems and you turn the other way, you are just avoiding them and over time they will pile up and cause you a huge amount of stress. And subconsciously, you may feel bad about yourself for not showing up more proactively in your life.
On the other hand, there are some problems that really just need time to work themselves out. Yes, the time in flux can be stressful, but often the issue just needs time to resolve itself, for things to fall into place.
The key is to look at the situation and determine what you are facing. Try to do this when you are calm (as possible) – not when you are HALT, Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
First, and most important is your mindset. Problems are only as big as you perceive them. Look at the problem as challenges to overcome and look forward to the growth that will happen on the other side. Something exciting and new will be happening for you in your life.
Then, break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Recognize which are those that you can really address and which aspects are beyond your zone of control.
Note: If you determine that this problem just needs time, you are not running away from it. Rather, you are consciously choosing to allow time to resolve the issue.