This Yom Kippur, daven for: the willingness to forgive yourself

Yeah, we all have made some mistakes in this last year.
We all have not been fully aligned with our potential, in some way or another.

We may have (inadvertently) said something that offended another. Or didn’t respond to something in the best way that we could have.

Regrets. ‘How could I have done that?” Remorse. Guilt. “Look at this mess I got us into.” Despair. “How did I get here?” Self-reproach. “How could I have forgotten to [ whatever]?” For each of us, it is something.

Yom Kippur is about letting go of what holds us back from being our best selves. Yom Kippur is about empowerment. Feeling that we can do better in the future.

Forgiving yourself is an important part of that. So that you not bogged down in regrets, but rather empowered and energized for your next phase.
– (Sometimes, it is hard to forgive ourselves; what we have done seems so unforgivable to us, so egregious. It might be easier with the smaller step of first being ‘willing’ to forgive ourselves, and then moving to actually forgiving. Tiny steps. Tiny steps. )

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