Time to get practical: What you and your spouse need to discuss for Tishrei

As we prepare for the upcoming Tishrei holidays, it’s important to focus not only on the spiritual aspects like Tehillim, added prayers, and Teshuva, but also on the practical side of things. Tishrei brings with it meals, guests, budgets, and hosting responsibilities, all of which require careful thought and planning. Balancing both the spiritual and logistical preparations now will help set the tone for a more meaningful and smooth holiday season.

Take time to start conversations with your spouse about the logistics of the holidays. Discuss guesting and hosting—who’s coming, who’s cooking, and what each of you will take on. Are there changes you want to make in the way you celebrate this year? Perhaps simplifying meals or creating more meaningful moments with family. Now is the time for these conversations, while there’s still enough time to plan, adjust, and make this season run as smoothly as possible.

Lastly, think about others in your life as you plan. What are the arrangements for your elderly parents? Talk to your siblings and parents to make sure everyone is on the same page. Also, consider those who might find the Tishrei season more difficult—single parents, particularly those whose boys may be without their fathers next to them in shul, singles, or anyone feeling lonely. A little extra thought can make a big difference for those who might otherwise feel overlooked.

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