Vulnerability strengths your relationships – Part 2/5

Vulnerability makes us human.

A “Superman” or “Wonder Woman” persona can be alienating in relationships. It puts a wall between us and other people – making us seem untouchable and unrelatable.

Vulnerability is crucial for intimacy.

When we pull down our guard and allow our spouse in, we let them see our human and imperfect self.

Share about yourself. A fear. A difficult memory. A failure or mistake. A dream. A regret. An unusual interest or desire. Some help you need.

The more times we’re vulnerable, the stronger the bond. The more we show of ourselves, the more the intimacy.

In addition to the intimacy and deeper understanding this can bring between the couple, now that our spouse knows about it, they can be a support or have ideas to move us along in that area.

And if your vulnerability is not met with the response you had hoped, don’t give up on vulnerability. Talk about it.

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