A Marriage Meeting can really solidify your marriage. This is a short (about 30 minutes) check-in where the two of you share appreciation, plan together and nip potential conflicts in the bud.
This should be a scheduled weekly meeting (separate from date night or budget meetings). A half-hour is long enough to cover everything, but short enough to keep it focused and productive.
This meeting can include:
1. Appreciation (expressing gratitude to your spouse)
2. Chores/Errands (making sure to-dos are getting done)
3. Plan for Good Times (scheduling date nights, as well as individual and family activities)
4. Problems/Challenges (addressing conflicts/issues/changes in the relationship and in life in general).
– Meet weekly. Why sit down for a discussion during a dedicated time? Talking about these things as they come up rather than at a scheduled time means that some things don’t get the attention they need. Or you may simply forget to bring something up.
– Meet as just the two of you. No kids.
– Minimize distractions/interruptions. No phones.
– Sit together. Ideally, side by side rather than across the table; this is more intimate and welcoming.
– Jot down notes during the week so you remember to talk about everything that you need to.
– Bring your organizational devices/notebooks/apps to the meeting to jot down when/where/how of your plans.
– Cultivate a positive atmosphere. Allow both partners to feel ownership in the meeting.
Based on Marcia Naomi Berger’s book about Marriage Meetings