Expressions of Gevurah [part 1/6]

Literal definition: Strength.

In other words: Restraint. Channeling. Focus. Discernment. Respect for boundaries. Discipline. Measured. Balanced.

Expressions of Gevurah:

Gevurah is about setting up boundaries and standards so that the kindness, love, giving and all activities in our lives have focus and direction; this is what yields success. Through Gevurah, we give the correct healthy amount; we restrain and withhold as appropriate for the circumstance.

Beyond discipline in interpersonal relationships, Gevurah should also be expressed in our own lives: self-discipline, refining our own character, calculating our own time, resources and efforts. These will help us maximize our achievements and success.

Even more: Gevurah is also a positive mode. For example: using Gevurah and strength to continue giving kindness even when it’s not easy. Giving with extra strength, with extra fervor, excitement and passion. Doing for your marriage and family above and beyond your basic duty. It is the strength to put aside our own interests, issues and focus exclusively on the other. Forcing yourself to give and do even when you are not in the mood.

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