Expressions of Malchus [part 1/6]

Literal definition: Kingship.

In other words: Leadership. Nobility. Aristocracy. Dignity. Authority, Power. Royalty. Speech.

Expressions of Malchus: Malchus is about embodying leadership through your words, behavior, and attitude in all aspects of your life. It involves actualizing goals and bringing dreams into reality with dignity, nobility, and regality. To be an effective leader, your actions must reflect the sum total of all the other six emotions/sefiros, including lovingkindness, discipline, compassion, persistence, humility, and bonding. It’s important to make careful, objective decisions using your Chochma, Bina, and Daas before taking action.

As a leader, it’s essential to keep the best interests of others in mind and strive to bring out the best in each person while treating them with dignity and respect. A good leader also has a healthy balance of self-dignity, kindness, graciousness, confidence, and aristocracy. In marriage, Malchus means conducting yourself with devotion and dignity towards your spouse and relationship in your actions, words, and attitude. By living in this way, you create a royal palace where you and your spouse are the King and Queen.

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