Literal definition: Foundation.
In other words: Bonding. Connecting. Communicating. Influencing.
Expressions of Yesod: Yesod literally means ‘foundation’ Yesod is about commitment and connection, and it serves as the foundation of a relationship where each person feels valued, respected, and appreciated. It is about treating the other with care, concern, love, kindness, honesty, and transparency. Yesod involves emotional intimacy and deep communication, where individuals connect with each other in an authentic way and share what is truly going on for them. The focus is on creating a situation where both individuals feel comfortable and safe to share with each other, thus building a strong bond and deepening their connection. By validating and affirming each other, listening actively, and building each other’s sense of self and confidence, individuals can strengthen their commitment to each other and create a solid foundation for their marriage.