Integrating Chesed into your Life #1 [part 2/6]

Chesed is giving undivided attention.

Chesed can be expressed through the act of giving undivided attention. When we give our full attention to someone, we show them that we value and respect them. This involves setting aside our own distractions, priorities, and preoccupations and focusing solely on the person in front of us.

Real attention is noticing the other person deeply. Noticing their needs and their wants – and acting on them. Noticing their accomplishments, big and tiny – and acknowledging them. It is setting aside time just for them. It is sharing things (jokes, trinkets, etc.) because we thought of them.

It is about noticing that they need some time to catch up on stuff or just relax. It’s about figuring out how we can give them that gift of time, perhaps by taking over some obligations or chores.

Giving undivided attention can be a powerful act of kindness. It allows the other person to feel heard, understood, and appreciated. By giving our full presence to someone, we create a safe space for them to express themselves and feel validated. This act of Chesed can deepen our relationships.

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