Shiduch U

Shiduch Dating
Shiduchim. Every person’s experience is unique. There are no rules. People have lots of questions and concerns.?
Adai Ad aims to provide guidance and support through the journey. We have instituted the Shiduch University to support daters through the various stages of relationships.? We also have several resources covering a range of topics related to dating and relationships.
Adai Ad also provides dating coaching for those who want a more personalized support before and during dating.?

Shidduchim. Every person’s experience is unique. There are no rules. People have lots of questions and concerns.
Adai Ad aims to provide guidance and support through the journey. We have instituted the Shidduch University to support daters through the various stages of relationships. We also have several resources covering a range of topics related to dating and relationships.
Adai Ad also provides dating coaching for those who want a more personalized support before and during dating.
The Podcast

(This series is funded by a grant from the New York City DOVE initiative recommended by Council Member Rita Joseph)
Marriage is a big step in life and you want to make sure you are ready for the commitment and responsibility of a marriage relationship. In this series, we speak to professionals about important aspects to think about as you prepare for marriage.
What questions are on your mind? Let us know and we’ll set up a talk about that.
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A card deck of 200 questions to jumpstart meaningful and interesting conversations – to laugh, to share, to get to know each other, and to build your potential relationship. These can help you uncover deeper and richer insights about yourself and your date
and your potential relationship.
dating coaching
with Devora Krasnianski, founder of Adai Ad
Shidduchim. Every person’s experience is unique. For some people, dating can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience, and having someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through can be immensely helpful.
One of the things I can do is help you create a dating strategy that takes into account your unique personality, preferences and needs. We’ll work together to identify any areas where you might be getting in your own way, and come up with a plan to overcome those obstacles. I can also give you practical advice on things like creating a dating profile, working with or without a shadchan, and navigating tricky situations like first dates and having uncomfortable conversations.
But it’s not just about strategy and advice – I’m also here to provide emotional support and encouragement. Dating can be tough, and it’s easy to get discouraged or burnt out. That’s where I come in! I’ll be your cheerleader, your sounding board, and your confidante throughout the dating process. With my help, you’ll be able to approach dating with confidence, clarity, and maybe even some fun!
Thank Yous
Just wanted to personally let you know that I got engaged this past Sunday B”H! wanted to thank you for all coaching and advice you gave me.
I spent a lot of time going over the topics we discussed and preparing how/what to share.
It was especially helpful for when it came to sharing certain things that we discussed. the concept of ‘dripping’ and gauging the way he responds to what I share was extremely helpful.
Firstly, it helped me feel more comfortable having the harder conversations because I was already able to tell he would be responsive and understanding. Secondly, it helped me notice and be more aware of certain important qualities he has that ultimately helped me realize I’m with someone who is good for me.
The webinars you put out also gave me so much knowledge! Really appreciate the help!!!!! Thank you!
I so appreciate our conversations. You are so intuitive and easy to talk to. You helped me realize where I was getting stuck and now I’m in a better place with dating. I’m no longer anxious. I actually am enjoying the dating more now that I am more relaxed about it.
Thank you
About Dating
In this section, we divide the dating topics into 4 sections: 1. Dating in General 2. Getting to Know Eachother 3. Developing the Relationship 4. Committing to Marriage.
Click on each image to read more about the topic.
Sharing About Your ‘Stuff’ on a Shidduch Date
Everyone has ‘stuff.’ True, some is heavier than others. One of the key goals in dating is…
How to ask about difficult topics on a date
Sharing/ Disclosing about your ‘stuff’ There may be something that you may have heard about the person…
Shiduchim: Are we writing off people too quickly?
Undoubtedly, we all have challenges in our lives. But, at least on the surface, some people’s challenges…
When, Not If: Discussing Personal Issues on a Shidduch Date
Q: “I am dating Leah and she seems like a great girl. I heard some rumors about…
How well do you know her?
For men (click here for women’s version) Her values Her values should be compatible with yours. They…
Date a Person, Not a Diagnosis
Why you should you consider dating someone who has a medical condition.
Sharing About Your ‘Stuff’ on a Shidduch Date
Everyone has ‘stuff.’ True, some is heavier than others. One of the key goals in dating is ensuring that you are accepted for who you
How to ask about difficult topics on a date
Sharing/ Disclosing about your ‘stuff’ There may be something that you may have heard about the person you are dating and they may not (yet)
Shiduchim: Are we writing off people too quickly?
Undoubtedly, we all have challenges in our lives. But, at least on the surface, some people’s challenges are more profound, and – in the arena
When, Not If: Discussing Personal Issues on a Shidduch Date
Q: “I am dating Leah and she seems like a great girl. I heard some rumors about her family though she hasn’t said anything. Should
How well do you know her?
For men (click here for women’s version) Her values Her values should be compatible with yours. They do not have to be identical. How does she
Date a Person, Not a Diagnosis
Why you should you consider dating someone who has a medical condition.
Insights about Shidduchim
- What To Do On a Date
- Questions To Build the Relationship
- Before Committing To Marriage
- Are You Ready For Marriage
- Small Talk On First Dates
- Questions to ask Reference about a Young Man
- Questions to ask Reference about a Young Lady
- Profiles and Resumes
- Shidduch Lists
- Recognizing Controlling Tendencies
- Recognizing Narcissistic Tendencies
Insights from Shadchanim

Shiduch University covers a range of topics related to Shiduchim and dating relationships. These are categorized according to the various stages of the dating relationship: from before knowing each other, through getting to know each other, then developing the relationship and finally to committing to marriage.
If you have any other questions, please ask. We will incorporate it into a future Shiduch University lesson.

Dating, in general

Getting to Know Each Other

Developing the Relationship