“Fine” is a four letter word

When someone asks you “How are you?” do you answer “Things are (Boruch Hashem) fine”? Life can be amazing, why stop at “fine”?

What is the mindset behind the word “fine”? “Fine” is about staying with status quo even though what you really want is something more. It is settling for less than you really want.

“Fine” is pretending that the situation is not that bad and so therefore there is no need to make a change. But the situation is also not compelling enough to be inspired to do the work necessary for growth. When things are “fine”, we feel justified about our inaction to make changes.

“Fine” comes from a defeatist, lethargic mindset. It is as if we abdicated responsibility for our lives (or at least in the area that we are claiming is ‘fine’) and surrendered our power. The “fine” mindset lacks energy to live life to our potential.

Is “fine” really enough for you? What is holding you back? What chances could you be taking to move your life from “fine” to inspired or extraordinary?

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