Say ‘No’ to the good, so you can say ‘Yes’ to the best.

You won’t have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. “Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.” – John C. Maxwell

There are so many wonderful things you could be spending your time and energy on. They are all good options. Nevertheless, you can’t do them all. So, you’ll have to say ‘no’ to some.

Saying ‘no’ can be difficult for most of us. But it is important to learn to say ‘no’.

Start by reflecting why you find it difficult. Are there some contexts that you find it harder to say no? It is politeness or fear of offending others? Is it FOMO or some fear that if this thing actually takes off and I wasn’t part of it, I’ll look or feel stupid? Is it a sense of obligation? Is it that you like trying new things?

Know your values and vision for your life. What is most important to you at this point? Once you have clarity, you can evaluate every request or idea to determine if it is aligned with your values and vision. If it is not, then know what you will be sacrificing if you say ‘yes’ this time.

Saying no may be very hard at first, but when you are clear about why you are saying no, it does become easier.

“I can’t commit to this at the moment.” “Sounds great, but I have to decline at this time.” “I’m honored that you asked, but I can’t.” “Perhaps when life slows down, I might be able to, but at this point, I can’t.” “I don’t think I am a good fit for this.” “If I say yes to you, I am saying no to [my family, my work, my passion project].”

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