As you create your schedule, don’t forget to put in some time for friends. Not necessarily every week, but often enough. In a healthy balance of friends and your own couple friendship.
We all benefit from friendships. There are things that men feel comfortable sharing and doing only with other men. The same holds true for women.
The marriage benefits as well. After spending some time with friends, we can come back to the relationship feeling fulfilled and energized.
• Friendships help you pursue your interests—even if you don’t share them with your spouse. In this way, you get to do what interests you and your spouse doesn’t have to be dragged into something they don’t really like to do.
• Friendships bring new ideas and viewpoints and can help you broaden your perspectives about life, marriage, parenting.
• Having friends can be a great source of support – practically and emotionally. Having a person to call outside of your home when in need, or having someone who can listen to you is a valuable resource.
So, the benefits are clear. The biggest question is where to fit friendships into your schedule. Work together to figure out a schedule or system that works well for both of you and the family.