Relationships are a mirror of who we are.

Relationships are a mirror of who we are. This can be very helpful as a way of discovering more fully who we who and how we are.

We always see ourselves when we look at the world and other people. Too often, we project the worst and best of ourselves onto others.

We project the worst of ourselves onto people we don’t like, don’t respect, and can’t get along with. “She is selfish, lazy, boring, irritating.”

We project the best of ourselves onto people who admire, love and want to be around. “She is open, generous, kind, compassionate.”

What we do not accept in ourselves, we do not accept in others. What we accept in ourselves, we accept in others.

It is worth becoming clear about what it is in the other person that is so unacceptable and difficult for us.  And follow that back to ourselves. Ouch.

Similarly, it is worthwhile to become clear about what it is in the other person that we do like but think we don’t possess. And follow that back to ourselves. We really do have that trait in ourselves. In some way.

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