You cannot solve a problem you are not willing to have.

We won’t find a solution by telling ourselves that there is no problem. That thinking “There shouldn’t be a problem, so there is no problem, so we don’t have to deal with this” keeps us in a rut. And things can potentially get even worse.

There’s something going on that is problematic for us. We know we need to address it. Intellectually, we might even know what we have to do. But so often, we don’t do what it takes to solve the problem.

🤔Might it be that we aren’t willing to accept the reality, the problem? Are we wishing that reality was different? Are we trying to change reality? That all leads to inaction and feelings of bitterness, anger, and sadness.

It starts with acceptance of the reality, of the magnitude of what needs to happen. And then the courage to deal with it. This may take support, hand-holding, consistent encouragement; find your support team.

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