Expressions of Netzach [part 1/6]

Literal definition: Beauty.

In other words: Rachmonus (merciful compassion). Empathy. Truth. Harmony. Balance of Chesed & Gevurah.

Expressions of Tiferes:

Beauty is typically produced through the juxtaposition, contrast and balance of colors and textures. Similarly, Tiferes is the perfect beautiful balance of the two opposing qualities – unconditional, unlimited giving (Chesed) and judgment (Gevurah) – which results in a new quality: empathy, and merciful compassion. Tiferes is a harmony of Kindness and Discipline, expressed with compassion, empathy and mercy.

Tiferes is giving the perfect amount according to the needs of the recipient. Tiferes, therefore, listens for cues and feedback from the other person before deciding what and how to give. This is compassion based on empathy.

Empathy is about withholding our judgments and attentively tuning in to what is happening for the other, listening to their perspective and how they perceive the situation.

Merciful compassion is about withholding judgment that the other may not really deserve but giving anyway with a full heart of love and kindness.


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