Reflections about Chesed in your Marriage [part 5/6]

How do you act with Chesed in your marriage?

1. Unconditionally? Do you give to your spouse – unconditionally … just to make them feel good … on their terms … without expecting anything in return? Do you express appreciation and give compliments – often and freely? The kind that they appreciate, not only the type that you feel comfortable giving?

2. Fully? Do you dedicate time and energy just to your spouse? Do you give the gift of listening? Of your smile?

Every day? What do you do every day to make your spouse feel special?

3. Sincerely? Does your spouse sense sincerity in your giving? Does your way of giving uplift your spouse’s dignity

(or at least leaves them with their dignity)?

4. Consistently? Do you give and love only when you are in the mood? Or do you give simply because you care and you made a soul commitment to your spouse?

5. Freely? Do you give happily – with full soul-love? Even when things are not quite so ‘perfect’? Or is it somewhat begrudgingly?

What will you do to enhance your love and kindness in your marriage and family life?

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