End The Abuse

End The Abuse

Even one situation of abuse in a marriage is too much. Unfortunately this is a reality for some families.  Adai Ad aims to provide support for those in the situation and education and awareness to prevent such pain from happening.

This project has been funded by a grant from Council Members Mathieu Eugene and Chaim Deutsch through New York City Council’s Domestic Violence Empowerment Initiative to Crown Heights Jewish Community Council.
Even one situation of abuse in a marriage is too much. Unfortunately this is a reality for some families. Adai Ad aims to provide support for those in the situation and education and awareness to prevent such pain from happening.

Talks related to Abuse

Also check out talks in the Shidduch-U series. 

Helpful Resources


Domestic Abuse or Something Else?

It can be very confusing to people who feel abused in their marriage, to try and determine if the cause is a dysfunctional relationship that may have some abusive features, a spouse with a mental illness or domestic abuse.

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Ignorance is NOT bliss!

What we don’t know about Domestic Abuse can hurt someone else. This lack of real knowledge prevents too many people from recognizing just who can be an abuser and who can be a victim. And so they just don’t provide the right support and understanding that victims need.

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Confidential Hotline 718.337.3700

Confidential Text/ Whatsapp Line 888.883.2323

For information on educational programs, legal services, and other resources, visit the website  https://shalomtaskforce.org/

Confidential number: 718-851-6300

Confidential email: access@ohelfamily.org

Confidential Support Group in Brooklyn for Parents of Adult Children in Abusive Relationships

For more information, call or text Shaindy Urman, MSW: 347-834-7369

Shalom Task Force 718-337-3700 888-883-2323

Sarah’s Voice Legal services and consultations 347-592-2124

Ohel Family Services 800-603-OHEL access@ohelfamily.org

Relief Hotline (therapist referrals) 718-431-9501

SOVRI 212-844-1495

Project S.A.R.A.H. 973-777-7638 x154 projectsarah@jfsclifton.org

The Rachel Coalition 973-740-1233 and ask for “Rachel.” rachel@jfsmetrowest.org

One Step Forward (resources for divorce) 844-673-5463

Nishma Hotline (Los Angeles) (no website) 818-623-0300

Shalva (Chicago) 773-583-HOPE(4673)

Project Chana (Baltimore) 410-234-0023 info@chanabaltimore.org

House of Ruth (Maryland) (410) 889-7884 info@hruthmd.org

Bat Melech (Israel) 972-2-651-6103

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