Reflections about Gevurah in your Marriage [part 5/6]

How do you act with Gevurah in your marriage?

1. Boundaries? What are the healthy boundaries in your marriage? In what ways do you respect your spouse’s space, boundary and privacy – morally, psychologically or emotionally? Are you consistent?

2. Commitment? Do you use Gevurah and strength to continue giving kindness even when it is not easy or convenient? Do you do beyond your first inclination to stop? Do you do what is needed even when you are not in the mood?

3. Appropriateness? Is your amount of Gevurah appropriate for a married person? Are you overbearing? Is your demeanor too strong and silencing your spouse? Do you act in controlling ways? Do you speak with harsh words of insult, blame, demands?

4. Expression? How do you express your disagreements to your spouse? Do you choose your words wisely with sensitivity; do you show respect and concern for your spouse’s dignity?

5. Sacrifice? In what ways do you have personal restraint and sacrifice for the sake of your marriage and your spouse’s happiness and dignity? In what ways do you filter out other interests in order to focus on your spouse?

What will you do to use strength and restraint to enhance your marriage and family life?

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