November 2021

What it means to be married – basics.

What does it mean to be married, besides not being single? Successful dating leads to marriage, and marriage can’t be done just any other way. It needs to be done right. There are some fundamental principles that are at the heart of what it means to be married. Here are some of the most important ideas for you to consider as you contemplate your future.

What it means to be married – basics. Read More »

A suggestion from a shadchan is not the only way to find a shidduch.

The shidduch can come from anywhere, and anyone can be the shadchan. Many shidduchim are made through a relative or friend, or even a stranger. Keep an open mind. Networking works! Reach out to people you know to see who they know. There are many opportunities to network. More than one shidduch emerged because of an informal chat at the manicure salon! If you see or hear of someone suitable for yourself, don’t be shy to broach the idea.

A suggestion from a shadchan is not the only way to find a shidduch. Read More »

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