Author name: Admin

Transforming Reality through Mental Rehearsals

📌The human mind doesn’t differentiate between real experiences and the ones we create in our imagination. Our mind reacts similarly to both actual events and vividly imagined scenarios. The power of imagination can be a game-changer. Before a potentially stressful encounter, we can imagine ourselves in control, composed, and calmly navigating the meeting with ease.

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Concern-Shaming vs Genuine Concern.

🎯Genuine concern is rooted in love and care, aimed at supporting and uplifting others. 🎯Concern-shaming disguises criticism as genuine concern, fueled by a desire to feel superior and put others down. Concern-shaming is like turning compassion into a weapon, making people feel guilty or inadequate for their choices. Unsolicited advice and judgment, especially from someone

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Requests and Boundaries.

Requests and boundaries are vital tools in expressing our needs and setting limits within relationships. 🎯Requests involve asking someone to change their behavior to meet our needs. It’s essential to recognize that whether they comply or not is ultimately beyond our control; requests are fundamentally unenforceable. “Please speak to me more calmly?” 🎯Setting boundaries involves

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‘Wait Training’: Building patience and resilience.

Patience is like the ‘wait’ training of life, where we flex our emotional muscles to handle whatever comes our way. Just as weight-training helps us build physical strength and endurance, practicing patience strengthens our mental resilience and emotional well-being. Life throws various challenges our way, and in those moments, we must take a deep breath,

‘Wait Training’: Building patience and resilience. Read More »

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