Author name: Admin

“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.”

Honesty and communication are the bedrock of trust and connection of any relationship. “The cruelest lies are often told in silence.” (Robert Louis Stevenson) When we withhold our true feelings, thoughts, or concerns, we inadvertently build walls between ourselves and our partners. Silence can be a form of deceit. By not voicing our dissatisfaction, fears, […]

“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.” Read More »

Growing the love – from the beginning until forever.

Relationships aren’t defined by their beginnings.  Every relationship starts off with excitement and promise.  What truly matters is the ongoing effort and commitment each partner puts in over time. Its true strength lies in how they both continue to show up for each other over time. In the beginning, the newness of the relationship was

Growing the love – from the beginning until forever. Read More »

Ignoring your own emotions impacts your relationships and your whole life.

When we avoid our own emotions, we end up downplaying everyone’s emotions, living as if feelings aren’t significant or worthy of acknowledgment. This mindset can cause us to overlook or brush aside the emotions of others because we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe they’re not a big deal. We simply don’t notice or tune into our

Ignoring your own emotions impacts your relationships and your whole life. Read More »

Your relationship grows with every conversation – either closer or further apart.

Each conversation, whether significant or seemingly trivial, contributes to the growth and strength of the relationship—either drawing you closer together or driving you further apart. ✔️Honest, empathetic, and attentive communication fosters understanding and strengthens the connection between partners. ❌On the other hand, constant fights and unresolved conflicts can make you grow apart, eroding trust and

Your relationship grows with every conversation – either closer or further apart. Read More »

Hinting or wishing won’t get you what you want—speak up!

Expecting others to read our minds or catch our subtle hints just leads to disappointment, misunderstandings, and resentment. It’s unfair to expect others to figure out what we want without us saying it straight. When we don’t speak up about our needs and desires, we are setting the stage for disappointment all around. Either we’re

Hinting or wishing won’t get you what you want—speak up! Read More »

Defensiveness doesn’t protect the ego; it erodes the relationship.

Getting defensive at the slightest hint of criticism is a common reaction for those who have a deep-seated fear of being seen as imperfect. For many, taking accountability and admitting fault or weakness feels like a blow to their self-esteem. They worry that acknowledging mistakes might lead others to respect them less or see them

Defensiveness doesn’t protect the ego; it erodes the relationship. Read More »

In conversations, are you responding to the words or your feelings?

There are two ways we may respond in a conversation: to the words or to our feelings. Reacting to feelings, especially if they’re uncomfortable, often leads to defensiveness, denial, anger, or shutting down. Reacting to words addresses the actual issue more constructively. For example:  Your partner says, “I feel like you haven’t been spending much

In conversations, are you responding to the words or your feelings? Read More »

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