
Can It Be Me who is ruining our marriage?

​Sometimes, without realizing, one or both of a  couple is harming the marriage relationship.  Often, they think that “If just my spouse would change.”  And then with a bit more introspection, they think, “Can it be me who is ruining our marriage?”

Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC about this topic: Can it be me who  is ruining our marriage?  A frank and honest discussion about what people may be doing that harms their marriage. And what first steps they can do to improve the situation.

Can It Be Me who is ruining our marriage? Read More »

Is this normal? Recognizing Abusive Behavior Early in Marriage

​The wedding is over and the young couple settles into shanah rishonah and a life together.  For most, there is the bliss. And the normal challenges and the typical ‘hard work’ of building the marriage.  Sadly, for a few, it is the beginning of a nightmare of abuse and control.
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews Lisa Twerski, LCSW  about “Is this normal? Recognizing abusive behavior early in marriage”.  What to do if you feel abused or controlled?  And the importance of seeking support as soon as you feel uncomfortable and unheard in the marriage.

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Does the Mizbeach Cry when an Abusive Marriage Ends

​We have all learned about the Gemara that says that when someone divorces his wife, even the Mizbeach (Altar) sheds tears on his account. (Gittin 90b, Sanhedrin 22a). What does this really mean and how does it apply to ending a marriage of severe pain and abuse?

Rabbi YY Jacobson discusses: “Does the Mizbeach Cry When an Abusive Marriage Ends? An hashkafic view on ending an abusive marriage.”

Does the Mizbeach Cry when an Abusive Marriage Ends Read More »

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