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Acknowledgment: A positive comment that focuses on who the person is

An acknowledgment is a positive comment that focuses on who the person is. It acknowledges the unique individual they are underneath all the talents, skills and facade. — “You are so dedicated to the children you work with.” “Your passion for the work you do comes out in how you …” “You care so much

Acknowledgment: A positive comment that focuses on who the person is Read More »

Can It Be Me who is ruining our marriage?

​Sometimes, without realizing, one or both of a  couple is harming the marriage relationship.  Often, they think that “If just my spouse would change.”  And then with a bit more introspection, they think, “Can it be me who is ruining our marriage?”

Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC about this topic: Can it be me who  is ruining our marriage?  A frank and honest discussion about what people may be doing that harms their marriage. And what first steps they can do to improve the situation.

Can It Be Me who is ruining our marriage? Read More »

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