Author name: Admin

The Gentle Art of In Law Relationships

​“You don’t just marry your spouse, you marry the family.” For many this is a blessing. For others, the in-laws can be a point of contention. There’s an art to creating healthy and loving relationships with your in-laws (or at the very least, tolerable relationships).
Listen in as Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad talks with Basya Deitsch, a noted relationship coach about this delicate relationship.  This call is geared for the “children-in-law”.

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Talking to your Rabbi about Shalom Bayis

​Of course, your rabbi (and mashpia) is available to listen and speak with you about all matters in your life. But you can’t just hope that somehow he will divine your reason for asking for a consultation and then offer appropriate help.

All too often, Rabbis have best intentions to be helpful, but they just cannot be – they simply don’t know enough about the situation. As a result, everyone becomes frustrated and disappointed. Even worse is when the rabbi gives the wrong advice, something that might bring more harm and stress. Most often it is because vital details have not been disclosed.

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What You Should Know Now for your Successful Marriage in the Future (for Bochurim)

​For Bochurim.
Preparing in advance to develop and mature those mindsets and tools is the best gift you can give your spouse and yourself, and your future together. Your marriage relationship starts even before the first shiduch meeting and can continue to blossom during shiduchim . Hence the importance of learning about marriage even before starting shiduchim, so that you date effectively and productively.

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