JOT general

After you get rid of the useless, be selective about what you put back in.

You’ve put in the effort to organize and get rid of things that don’t serve you well. From hereon, be selective about what you bring into your life. Choose wisely. Don’t let your clean home become a mess again. Shop in quality places that reflect the vibe you want for your home. Try things out

After you get rid of the useless, be selective about what you put back in. Read More »

Throw out what doesn’t serve a purpose in your life.

Take inventory of the stuff in your home. Reflect: Does it bring you joy? Does it make your life better? When you brought it into your life, it may have served a purpose. But if it doesn’t anymore, get rid of it. Over the years, you may have picked up defense mechanisms, habits, attitudes, or

Throw out what doesn’t serve a purpose in your life. Read More »

Stop and celebrate small wins.

Don’t forget to celebrate small wins along the way. The small win is an accomplishment that you weren’t entirely confident you could achieve, like cleaning out a closet or clearing out some clutter. Each small victory you achieve adds up to significant progress. Step by step, you’re making a difference in your home and your

Stop and celebrate small wins. Read More »

The mess won’t go away unless you do something about it.

Ignoring the mess doesn’t make it less of a mess. Neither does denial. Neither does wishing it away or hoping that someone else will take care of it. It doesn’t just get clean by itself. (‘Just point and junk disappears’ is just a marketing ploy from a junk removal company.) It may seem overwhelming. But

The mess won’t go away unless you do something about it. Read More »

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