Author name: Admin

Avoid old history

Bringing up old problems will just exacerbate the intensity of the upset. Additionally, it will probably send the current problem to the back as you end up discussing all the previous problems too. Plus, your spouse will be hurt that you still haven’t let go of past grievances. — Instead of: -“You always are losing […]

Avoid old history Read More »

Love is a decision

Love is not just an emotion. It is also a decision. If you marry someone, this person becomes your top priority. Just making them happy, being generous and caring should be an automatic, almost contractual obligation. Just as most consider fidelity to be a non-negotiable responsibility in a marriage, consider being kind, forgiving and generous

Love is a decision Read More »

Express your positive feelings of your spouse. Often.

Compliments, appreciation, awe, approval, encouragement, pride, acknowledgements. Why you would want to share your positive feelings. 1. Your spouse will want to spend time with you (not from a place of neediness). A person naturally seeks the company of those who think well of them. – The more someone senses appreciation from another, the closer

Express your positive feelings of your spouse. Often. Read More »

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