Author name: Admin

Does the Mizbeach Cry when an Abusive Marriage Ends

​We have all learned about the Gemara that says that when someone divorces his wife, even the Mizbeach (Altar) sheds tears on his account. (Gittin 90b, Sanhedrin 22a). What does this really mean and how does it apply to ending a marriage of severe pain and abuse?

Rabbi YY Jacobson discusses: “Does the Mizbeach Cry When an Abusive Marriage Ends? An hashkafic view on ending an abusive marriage.”

Does the Mizbeach Cry when an Abusive Marriage Ends Read More »

Domestic Abuse & the Legal System

​What you need to know.
Online webinar with Erin Bistricer, Staff Attorney for Shalom Taskforce: Sarah’s Voice


– Custody
– Support
– Equitable Distribution

– Order of Protection / Exclusive Occupancy
– Family Court vs Supreme Court
– Arbitration vs Mediation vs Litigation
​Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .

Domestic Abuse & the Legal System Read More »

For Spiritual Leaders: Helping with Domestic Abuse with David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC

​For rabbis, rebetzins, mashpiim/os, kallah/ chosson teachers.  How you can be helpful when someone approaches you about domestic abuse.
(Includes recording of event and 40+ page booklet of resources and further reading.)
Presented under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative .

For Spiritual Leaders: Helping with Domestic Abuse with David Kohn, LCSW, CASAC Read More »

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