Author name: Admin

Instead of having assumptions and expectations, make agreements.

An assumption is something that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. We assume somebody will do something. We assume that the activity will be accomplished. But there’s no proof that it will happen. An expectation is a hope or belief that something will happen. We hope or believe that something

Instead of having assumptions and expectations, make agreements. Read More »

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward Sometimes, we really are grateful for what someone has done for us – but still we don’t express it to them.Not necessarily because we didn’t want to. Maybe we couldn’t find the best way or words,

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” Read More »

Focus on your spouse’s strengths to strengthen your marriage.

Know each other’s strengths and gifts, and then highlight and appreciate those. Work together to develop those strengths. People calibrate their behavior based on what is valued and recognized, and what isn’t. Our beliefs about our spouse really affect how they view themselves in life in general and in the marriage. When you are cognizant

Focus on your spouse’s strengths to strengthen your marriage. Read More »

“Expectations = Resentment” It doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s not that having expectations is inherently wrong, it’s more about what you do when those expectations don’t pan out. You expected your [friend/ spouse/ whoever] to remember your birthday (and celebrate it in some special way). But they didn’t. Now what? It was a reasonable expectation, but it didn’t happen quite that way. You

“Expectations = Resentment” It doesn’t have to be that way. Read More »

Words of affirmation deepen your relationship.

When you say words of affirmation in your relationship, you are strengthening communication and intimacy between you and your partner. You are showing them that you notice and appreciate them. When your partner feels appreciated, they are likely to experience a deeper satisfaction with themselves and with the relationship.  Everyone appreciates words of affirmation – even if

Words of affirmation deepen your relationship. Read More »

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